I Will Write Unique Articles And Blogs That Will Be So Awesome.

Posted By: Malak Wael

About this Talent:

Iam a 16 year old girl who currently lives with her 2 younger siblings alone cause my dad just died recently and my mum left us when we were very young and we're in Egypt right now which we came to just for a vacation but my dad actually died here.

We need to go back to our hometown in Canada but we have no money and of course can not talk Egyptian so we can at least work here to make money and go back to Canada so pls help me and my siblings by getting us plane tickets to go back to our home safely cause we're so scared in here and we know no one and we don't really have enough money to live actually so it would be so generous of y'all to donate your money

so we could live Iam sorry I've talked a lot but the web wanted 150 words.

Salient Features:
Job Price:100$ Duration : a month
Location: Rs.Egypt Languages Known : english
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