I Will Write Unique Article And Blogs That Are Soe Friendly

Posted By: Emmanuel miracle

About this Talent:

As a guy, you don’t need to put ear ring in your ears before you are classified to be a big boy. You don’t need to smoke or drink before you are respected as a big boy. 

Big boy is a matter of your function of mind and how productive you are in what you do. 

Stop being fooled by friends who thinks they can only measure you by the way your smoke, drink or dress. 

Wearing clothes that exposes your body as a lady only shoes how cheap you may be. It doesn’t show your dignity. You may say it is fashion but fashion that shows your sensitive part of your body expresses you have not dignity. 

Successful ladies aren’t carry away by fashion but focuses on how they can influence their society positively. 

Your appearance speaks more volume…

If you aren’t into entertainment or don’t have a career in that hence exposing your body may imply you are attracting customers to yourself. 

Dress well, focus on how to influence the society with the stuff you have got not by influencing your society with your bad dressing. 

Men are looking for women of impact just as women also want men they can be proud of. Be focused…

Salient Features:
Job Price:1000 Duration : 1000
Location: Rs.Lagos Languages Known : english
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