Honest To You I Charge Rs.2/- Per Word To You For Typing

Posted By: Krishna Gaur

About this Talent:

My educational journey has been a transformative expedition marked by growth, self-discovery, and a thirst for knowledge. From my initial steps in kindergarten to the challenges of higher education, each phase has contributed to shaping who I am today.

In the early years, school was a place of wonder, where I first encountered letters, numbers, and the joy of learning. As I progressed, subjects became more complex, and I faced the rigors of exams and assignments. These challenges taught me resilience and the importance of perseverance.

High school brought a new set of opportunities and responsibilities. I delved into subjects that sparked my curiosity, developed friendships, and engaged in extracurricular activities that broadened my horizons. It was a time of self-discovery, where my interests began to align with potential career paths.

Transitioning to college was both exciting and daunting. The expanded scope of subjects and the freedom to choose my academic focus allowed me to explore my passions deeply. Alongside lectures, I participated in workshops, internships, and research projects that provided real-world context to classroom learning.

As I stand at this juncture, I recognize that education is an ongoing journey. The knowledge and skills I've gained have empowered me, but I'm also aware of the vastness of the learning landscape that lies ahead. My journey has cultivated critical thinking, adaptability, and a hunger for continuous improvement.

Salient Features:
Job Price:250 Duration : Per hour
Location: Rs.Mathura Languages Known : english , hindi
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