I Will Handle It Easily Work. Data Processing Is Used To Collecting And Manipulating Date
Posted By: Kavya Rajesh

About this Talent:
I am a graduated student...I completed my degree in Bcom and i specialized in computer application ....I do my project work with the help of microsoft office like ms word,ms excel,ms powerpoint etc...I can handle it easly with in the deadline .I am capable for doing this job ..
Data processing is used to collecting and manupulating data for different purpose .Data processing is and basic and important term.Data is the collection of raw facts and figures . The processed data is called information . The data is the input and the computer process the data and it will give the result that is output..It is in the human understandable language . The language of computer is binary . It is the combination of one's and zeros .
So it is an opportunity for doing a job . It will be more easy to me for handle it. I do data work accurately with in time. i will do 1000 words for 1000 rupees in a day or more than that According to your preferance. Because i am very speed in data entry . If you give me this job i will do it without any delay and mistake . I have a laptop and i am more familiar in data entry and data processing. I can do any job at any time according to your instruction . i am more familiar with both input and output devices.
I do my seminars with the help of powerpoint presentation with slideshow . I know how to add images , graphics , tables, charts, etc into the microsoft word and ms excel . The ms word like a note pad.
So the data entry and data processing is not hard for me. I will do it without any mistake and within the deadline that you prescribed . I am able to obey your instruction according to our job.It is not difficult for me. I will do this job part time as well as full time.Because its my interested field .
The data mainly in raw facts and figures. It is not meaningful . After the processing the data will get an clear cut image. That is in easly understandable and meaningful way. After processing the data become an useful and understandable information and it supply to the users according to their needs and preferance.
I do data entry and data processing work timely and submit with in the deadline you prescribed . I do it with full confidance . I am sure about that i am able to do data entry and data processing and it is a valuable opportunity for me . If i did not get the job i regret about it. Because this job is a way of my life . I will do it without any mistake and i can do it. Data entry is not a matter for me because i have the full confidence to do it easly within the dead line. I know every thing about data entry and data processing i will handle it without any difficulty . I am sure
Salient Features:
Job Price:1000 | Duration : 1 Days |
Location: Rs.Alappuzha | Languages Known : english |