Why Do You Think Maths Is Hard? Surely I Can Make Maths Fun

Posted By: Sinidu

About this Talent:

Hello, this is Sinidu. When i was in elementary or highschool my friends used to hate everything about mathematics. I do not think my friends are the only ones who hate mathematics but most of the students around the world. But have you ever thought why? Is it because it is hard? Or is it because we do not get high scores on them? Or is it because of what our seniors told us? Or is there some misunderstanding? what ever a person says about mathematics here is my honest thought about mathematics, mathematics is not about numbers its solving problems just how we do in games. I think this attitude helped me in my student years to get best scores in my mathematics subject. I am a medical student now but i still love solving maths problems. Lastly i want to say lets make maths fun. Really we can make that true together!

Salient Features:
Job Price:300 Duration : 1Hr
Location: Rs.Ethiopia Languages Known : english
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