I Teach Fsc Level Chemistry, Physics, Biology And English Efficiently.

Posted By: Haya Murad

About this Talent:

Assalam u alaikom, I'm Haya Murad. I study Chemistry, which I'm sure most people find boring but little do they no that it's not the subject that is boring but the teachers/tutors. 

I always had boring teacher at my matric level, causing me to hate not only chemistry but every subject. Maybe one reason was becoz they were quite elderly and would behave like typical villagers then teachers. And the reason was they were teaching just to earn money.

I admit money is major factor but what a person likes also matters. If a person doesn't love something they won't do it efficiently. 

Thus I'm here, to provide a good, productive learning environment to students that are passionate about their studies and want to do something in the future unlike me who spent most of school life contemplating whether going to school is even a good I dea or not. 

Thanks to my uni teachers for making love studies.

Thank you 

Salient Features:
Job Price:100 Duration : 1 Days
Location: Rs.Delhi Languages Known : english
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