I Can Fill 40 Forms Per Day And Can Create Resume Too.
Posted By: Khushi

About this Talent:
Hey, myself Diya Gupta and I'm a teenager. I personally wanted to do a part-time job as a financial help and for being little responsible. I thought typing would be the best job for me for now. I'll pay all my attention to it and will give you satisfying results. I'm well a amateur in all this but i can still do better and I will. I promise not to give you any bad feedback. I have created a few demo resume and people liked them. I can do editing on small personal basis but will learn more about it soon to do for freelancing. I took this decision of having a part-time typing job is just because I wanted to earn something for myself and not to bother my parents for little money as we are already under loans. I would love to help my parents with this job.
Salient Features:
Job Price:400 | Duration : 2-3 hr |
Location: Rs.Punjab | Languages Known : english |