I Can Translate Any Language To English Accurately And Fluently

Posted By: Deepika renju

About this Talent:

A multi-skilled, reliable &talented translator with a proven ability to translate written documents from a source language to a target language. A quick learner who can absorb new ideas & can communicate clearly & effectively with people from all social & professional backgrounds. Well mannered, articulate & fully aware of diversity & multicultural issues. Flexible in the ability to adapt to challenges when they arise & at the same time remaining aware of professional roles and boundaries. Would like to work as a translator for a successful and ambitious company that offers great opportunities for career development and progression.


Interpreting Company-Coventry


June 2008-Present

Working freelancer for a translation agency providing a translation and interpretation service to clients where needed. Involved converting documents and articles from one language into another and ensuring that the finished converted articles relay the intended message as clearly as possible


Familiar with translation software tools.

Able to fluently speak French, German, Urdu and Spanish.

• Excellent communication and social skills.

• Able to work to tight deadlines.

• Highly skilled in Word, Excel 


Salient Features:
Job Price:800 Duration : 400 words
Location: Rs.Mannar Languages Known : english , hindi , tamil
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