I Can Write More Articles , Stories , Essay , Speeches In 24 Hours For You.
Posted By: Ankita singh

About this Talent:
Hi ,
My name is Ankita singh . I have cleared my 12th examination and i am in 1st year of graduation from patliputra university.
Though for posting the content to hire me. As I write the article , blogs , speeches , essay , stories , new thought, and writing content of any topic .
So , below are my project on article writing on the topic "unemployment"
The concept of overly educated for a particular job has beNintroduced to drecase the chances of attrition.But in India , it has become an irony. Half of population in underprivileged and cannot afford education. So they are not eligible for jobs. The second group is continuously trying to upskill to get rid of under employment. But when they apply they are called overly educated. How exactly this problem of of unemployment going to be solved?
There are so many people who lost their jobs due to COVID. And now when they are trying to be back on their feet , some HRs , who think themselves to be an expert selecting people for a particular jobs, have forgotten humanity it seems.
I urgue everyone for the time , not to reject someone just because he/she has invested to learn more. If you are bound for a given time period . This can help those who have lost their jobs and the organisation both (as the organisation will get An employee who is capable of handling multiple situations).
Salient Features:
Job Price:500_800 | Duration : 24 Hours |
Location: Rs.Patna | Languages Known : english , hindi |