The Movie What I'm Talking About Is A Horror Thriller Movie Name Sinister

Posted By: Vivek shelar

About this Talent:

I have watched a movie name Sinister yesterday it was actually a movie about a writer who is writing a book on a real incident happened in a city soo many murders happened mysteriously that's why he decide to writea book that should be read by his audience he know if he write this book he will gonna get famous and will gonna get soo much fame but soon the things started getting soo dark that he never thought he never believed in dark things stuff like ghost or any mythological creepy things but later things like this started happening with him and made him think that this kind of creepy things really exists his kids starting acting weird they started painting the people who used to live in that house which have already died by hunging themselves on a tree there are soo many families died because of this ghost name buggula 

Salient Features:
Job Price:100 Duration : 3.00
Location: Rs.Delhi Languages Known : english , hindi , tamil
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