Safe The Nature And Its Beauty And Animals And Plants

Posted By: Fahad Khan

About this Talent:

For healthy nature people wants use a paper juse pack and other food staff because some people don't care the nature plants and animals_mostly factories are destroy the nature for making pollution in ear_so I request to the people that they try to safe nature because if we not care nature then ho care it_so I think every body try to think for nature_factory owner make pollution in ear that why the birds are dead in day by day_so please understand what I say_mostly people throw garbage in jungle and mostly animal dead because that eat it_the government of all country make a garbage cane to put your old food and another staff_so please I say yo another time that care your nature now for another I give you a good speech for you to understand the world and its beauty and its animals and plants and birds and staff


Salient Features:
Job Price:500 Duration : 1 Days
Location: Rs.Pakistan Languages Known : english
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