Proofreading And Article Editing At It's Finest. Say Goodbye To Errors And Mistakes

Posted By: Ezeoke Blessing

About this Talent:


I know how embarrassing it can be to have your beautiful well thought out articles fall short on impacting your readers just because of grammatical errors and wrong spellings which were an oversight. Writing and coming up with that article was already stressful enough, you probably didn't have time or enough focus to proofread. Why not allow me do that for you for just a token and enjoy the desire impact and response to your hard work and effort.

So hire me today and I can promise to deliver a flawless proofreading and editing on your work. If you let me too, I also do a bit of content writing, infusing comedy or literary perks to make an article feel more relatable to readers.

I promise you a good job because I know how much of my time I'll be dedicating in exchange for the money you'll be paying. 


Hope to hear from you

Salient Features:
Job Price:500 Duration : 2-3hours
Location: Rs.Nigeria Languages Known : english
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