I Will Make Efforts To Provide Informative And Useful Content For A Perfect Topic.

Posted By: Jhanvi Arora

About this Talent:

Sexuality is a large part of our identity as human. Further, it shapes the brain and body to be pleasure-seeking. Yet, as important as sexuality is to being human, it is often viewed as a taboo topic for personal or scientific inquiry.

As people evolve in their development , & they pass things on to diff generations or they just have different experiences through music or entertainment or just life experiences, it’s a great opportunity to have this conversation.

Aristotle was initially studying the reproduction of animals & all these myths related to sexuality and reproduction - he did the first scientific studies of sex & it was done around 400 Bc. We think it is a new field but peoples has been inquisitive about it for centuries . Some of the females studied sexuality in the 1800’s - the term sexology was coined by Dr. Willard(a female). It’s not on the forefront of Science to have resources dedicated to human sexuality ( very challenging) rather infact the study of human sexuality is very deep & international and across the world . Problem is linking people together & communicating about these things which is not a strong point for sexuality.

Sexuality is experienced and expressed in thoughts, fantasies, desires, beliefs, attitudes, values, behaviours, practices, roles and relationships.

Views on human sexuality have changed throughout history, and sexuality is today increasingly seen as a dimension of life that everyone can define and shape according to their own particular needs. However, every society establishes certain norms in relation to sexual behaviours, and these are learnt in the process of socialisation. These norms are often built into laws that prohibit or restrict certain sexual behaviours. For example, in every society there is a legal ‘age of consent’: the age that people need to reach, in order to be considered capable of making a conscious decision to engage in sexual relationships.


In terms of sexual orientation, people may identify themselves as straight (attracted to people of the opposite gender), gay or lesbian (attracted to people of the same gender), or bisexual (attracted to people of both genders). However, sexual diversity is much more than only sexual orientation, it also includes asexual, transsexual (transgender) or intersex people.

Sex therapy is not the same thing to everybody . It comes in many shapes & forms , some people believe it to a relational therapy because they feel , other people don’t think it that way and believe that sexuality is something im experiencing on my own in a way that is pleasurable or unsatisfactory . There’s sexuality that takes place in our mind through our fantasies .

this is an example of one of articles that i had written and I'm currently writing a chapter in a book.

I am here to write the best of content for our users and provide them with plenty of content which will help to grow their potential in writing and as well as grow my skill in analyzing things better .

Salient Features:
Job Price:100 Duration : 1 Days
Location: Rs.Pune Languages Known : english
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