I Can Type Full Time A Whole Day Because I Currently Enjoy It.
Posted By: Ojo Boluwatifemito

About this Talent:
I started learning how to type when i was a kid. My mom took me to cyber cafe where Mavin Beacon was the order of the day. Typing on mavins beacon hours straight was my priority. I was always envious of how fast typist do their jobs and I decided to incline.
My first job was typing a full book. My dad writes; he wrote a book that I typed all through. I typed and edited it for a week.
I helped my mom type exams, tests questions for her pupils as well in her school.
I typed my project work myself in my final year of Bsc education.
I had a bad experience once when I typed a meaningful amount of pages and it all got wiped. As at that I hadn't know much about Microsoft word. So I learnt from my mistakes.
I can boldly say now that I can type perfectly.
Salient Features:
Job Price:400 | Duration : 1 Days |
Location: Rs.Rajasthan | Languages Known : english |