I Can Edit And Proofread A Word Document Forany Topics For Just $50

Posted By: Lucy Adhiambo Aloo

About this Talent:

For example let's say I write "rong" instead of "wrong", word document will automatically recognized the typing error occured by placing a zigzag red line underneath the word,therefore I will  highlight the word "rong" then on the Review tab,click Spelling and Grammar,word displays the issue it finds in the Spelling andGrammar dialogue box,and i will click the correct word to replace the  wrong,then after I have address the issue,if the word again will be underlined by a zigzag red line, I will click ignore and continue editing the rest words,for a full document I will use Editor feature,found in the File Menu,which proofreads very quickly, I will just highlight the whole document,then I click on tools menu,then click, Spelling and Grammar tab,then click to select the check Grammar as I type.For editing words with similar meanings I will a feature in word document called Thesaurus,it will help in synonyms, it's found in the review bar.

Salient Features:
Job Price:500 Duration : 3 hours
Location: Rs.Kenya Languages Known : english
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