How To Score 90% In S.s.c Board Exam In Just 1 Month

Posted By: Riya Haldar

About this Talent:

Scoring 90% in the S.S.C (Secondary School Certificate) Board Exam in just one month can be challenging, but it's not impossible with the right approach and dedication. Here are some tips to help you maximize your preparation in a short time:

  1. Create a Realistic Schedule:

    • Plan your study schedule carefully, allocating specific time for each subject based on your strengths and weaknesses.
    • Break down your study sessions into smaller, focused intervals with short breaks in between.
  2. Prioritize Subjects:

    • Identify the subjects in which you are weaker and allocate more time to them.
    • Focus on high-scoring subjects to maximize your overall percentage.
  3. Understand the Exam Pattern:

    • Familiarize yourself with the exam pattern, marking scheme, and important topics for each subject.
    • Practice previous years' question papers to understand the format and types of questions asked.
  4. Concise Study Material:

    • Use textbooks and reference materials recommended by the board.
    • Summarize key points and create concise notes to facilitate quick revision.
  5. Effective Time Management:

    • Manage your time efficiently during the exam. Allocate specific time for each question and stick to it.
    • Skip difficult questions initially and return to them later if time permits.
  6. Practice Regularly:

    • Solve sample papers, model question papers, and previous years' papers to enhance your problem-solving skills.
    • Practice writing answers to improve your speed and accuracy.
  7. Group Study and Discussions:

    • Join study groups or discuss topics with classmates to gain different perspectives and insights.
    • Teaching concepts to others can reinforce your understanding.
  8. Healthy Lifestyle:

    • Ensure you get enough sleep, eat nutritious meals, and exercise regularly. A healthy lifestyle positively impacts your concentration and memory.
  9. Stay Positive:

    • Maintain a positive attitude and believe in your abilities. Avoid unnecessary stress and anxiety.
    • Take short breaks to refresh your mind when needed.
  10. Seek Help:

    • If you encounter difficulties in understanding certain topics, don't hesitate to seek help from teachers, classmates, or online resources.

Remember that everyone has different learning styles, so customize these tips according to your preferences. Also, it's crucial to strike a balance between studying and taking breaks to avoid burnout. Good luck with your exams!

Salient Features:
Job Price:300 Duration : 2 Days
Location: Rs.MUMBAI Languages Known : english
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