High Skilled Data Entry Assistant For Fast And Reliable Data Entry

Posted By: Hizar Hayat

About this Talent:

Hey! My name is khizar Shahid.

And I'm a student of medical collage now you will thinking that your medical student but I also learn excel sheet data entry as well as chatGPT and graphic designer I've learn every thing but the main point is that. That I've learn data entry more good than the others 

Now I'm looking for data entry job today homebasework.in sent me an email which is about data entry job I was so excited that my dream came true I will never disappoint you I'll try my best I'll do what I can I can write more  beautiful I can write more faster In excel they teach us how to give a style to your font but I know this not an excel this is simple data entry job but I know well that how to do it.

This is my little talent.Now the choice is yours 

Salient Features:
Job Price:2500 Duration : 2-3 Hours
Location: Rs.PAKISTAN Languages Known : english
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