Data Entry And Processing In Microsoft Word And Microsoft Excel

Posted By: Irene Mbuthia

About this Talent:

  • I can easily work Microsoft excel and word I have a certificate on it where I was position 3 because of my intelligence in the field
  • I can also do mathematical calculations in Microsoft Excel.I once did calculations for a certain school as an accountant which went well
  • In Microsoft word I can create simple or complex documents for groups or individuals eg I created a speech document formyself which I presented on my graduation day 
  • My typing skills are high,I can type 3pages document in even 30 in my graduation speech
  • I don't have any specific clients because am still slightly a beginner in the field,am just 18 but age doesn't matter
  • I can also do creation of presentations and and documents like newspapers based on Microsoft PowerPoint and Microsoft publisher.
  • In Microsoft PowerPoint it's easy for me to create a whole presentation for groups or individuals 

Salient Features:
Job Price:100 Duration : 1 Days
Location: Rs.Nairobi Languages Known : english
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