A Boy Journey From Poor To Rich Then Rich To Poo Then Billionaire
Posted By: Bhaskhar Patini

About this Talent:
Once upon time there is a boy amit it is very poor by financial condition and rich by brain power he worked in genral store then one day her freind came from city then he one day make trading and then he play intraday and now he ha money value of its own self then he make loss after sometime then he pray and start from two lack then he notice that I make profit minimum and loss big then he work in his mistake he take loan from near by shops then he make good deal with his new partner name Aman the he both make profit and then he start with 10 lack and interesting part is that they make profit big and they make loss very short by chance and then they bought small shares and they stand in position where he make core rupees then they hire in big companies and they are now billionaire
Thank you make profit nothing is impossible impossible word say i am possible byyy
Salient Features:
Job Price:100 | Duration : 2 hour |
Location: Rs.Haldwani | Languages Known : english |