Pollution Is Serious Problem In Our India Two Main Area Of Pollution Air And Water

Posted By: Mohit Sharma

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Pollution is a very serious problem in our country. All our important cities such as Delhi, Bombay, Calcutta and Madras have been found to be the most polluted cities in india. The smaller industrial towns such as kanpur are also heavily polluted leading to severe health problems. Two major areas of pollution are air and water. Those living in the cities get neither pure air to breathe nore pure water to drink. It is therefore not surprising that the major health problem occur in the cities. In order to rectify this situation. It is important to identify the source of pollution. The major source of air pollution in the cities is the heavily traffic on the road. The buses ,cars, motorcycle and other such vehicles emit carbon mono oxide which invades our lungs. Often these vehicles are not properly maintained so that dense black smoke is emitted. Infact, sometimes it becomes difficult to breathe because one can feel the heavy air that one is inhaling. Another source of air pollution is the smoke from the factory, especially in industrial areas. Once again highly toxic fumes are emitted into the atmosphere andmakes life miserable for those around.

Salient Features:
Job Price:190 Duration : Month
Location: Rs.Agra Languages Known : english
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