I Can Fill 200 Forms Per Day On Online Just For Rs. 200/-
Posted By: Manjumol P T

About this Talent:
Hello sir my name is Manju ,graduate, age 35 years,location Trivandrum, Kerala,work for home .data entry job apply and working one day 50 data entry.I will provide you this data entry at the right time.On the basic of my experience.if you give more work then i am ready to give it for free.you can give this work to me in the form of fill up ,data entry, Add,writing letter,editing video texts, ect. So please I request fastly work provide me and I am ready you company work join. 8 years experiece as in this field. I am already wokred part time home based job.
Salient Features:
Job Price:300 | Duration : 5 hrs |
Location: Rs.Thiruvananthapuram | Languages Known : english |